Sunday, November 15, 2015


In November 2014, I posted a response about subliminal messages after I noticed that thousands of people were posting on Facebook about the satanic symbols that were subliminally placed on Monster Energy Drinks. Satan the Devil's methods and tricks for deceiving and controlling people have not changed across the millennia. Its just that Satan has always adapted his tricks of deception and manipulation to every culture and generation that passes by. Technology and language have changed across the millennia, but Satan's trick have not changed. One of the primary ways Satan has deceived and controlled people is through the communication of messages (not necessarily supernatural). There are two types of messages that people convey and receive through media, printing, entertainment, advertisement and displays: obvious messages and subliminal messages. Both obvious messages and subliminal messages have been used in communication since ancient times. Subliminal messages are believed to have been used as early as the Fifth Century B.C. in ancient Greece, however, there is evidence that ancient Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians also used subliminal messages in one form or another. Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians used subliminal symbols, but the Greeks developed ways to convey subliminal messages through rhetoric. Methods of conveying subliminal messages have evolved greatly over the centuries as technology now includes media, internet and printing industries.

Some subliminal messages are good and positive and are not intended to negatively influence people. However, the majority of the subliminal messages used in our modern culture are either sexual or demonic in nature. The word SEX is perhaps the most commonly used subliminal message. Other subliminal messages include 666, the anarchy symbol, the satanic pentagram or hexagram, satanic goats, demonic faces or body parts, male and female genitals, the inverted cross, pagan deities, occultic hand gestures, the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati, and many others. Another type of subliminal messaging is satanic backmasking, which is used by some musicians and public speakers to conceal a satanic, sinister or sexual message. Entertainers, business advertisers and organizations most renowned for using subliminal messages include music artists and movie stars, MTV, VH-1, cigarette companies, beer advertisers, pornography producers, the U.S. Federal Reserve (dollar bills), the Walt Disney Corporation and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Most of these entertainers, business advertisers and organizations are owned, or were at least founded by, individuals with a history of involvement in the occult, which is satanic.

The term subliminal is rooted in Latin and means "below the threshold of consciousness." Subliminal messages are messages that are marginally perceptible; they are not easily perceived by the conscious mind but are easily perceived by the subconscious mind. Subliminal messages are perceived below an individual's threshold of obvious perception. There are two basic ways in which subliminal messages are perceived by the subconscious mind: visual and auditory. Subliminal messages exists in the form of hidden words, hidden sounds or partially obscure symbols or images that are embedded inside of messages or images that are consciously perceived. The conscious mind and subconscious mind pick up signals from the environment through the five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The conscious mind's ability to pick up environmental signals is limited because the conscious mind focuses only on one or two things at a time, and because of this, it picks up only a fraction of all the signals perceived from the environment through the five senses. However, the subconscious mind is constantly picking up signals from the environment through the five senses, and subconscious mind picks up 100% of the signals perceived from the environment. In other words, the subconscious mind detects and processes EVERYTHING in the environment at any given moment, while the conscious mind detects and processes only what it focuses on. For example, when someone views a video, photograph or printed document containing subliminal messages, the first thing they will notice are things that are most obvious, such as printed words, musical rhythms or brightly colored images. The subliminal messages are not noticeable by the conscious mind at first, but the subconscious mind readily detects and processes them along with everything else perceived in the environment. A person must focus extra attention on the object they are viewing in order to consciously notice the subliminal messages. Once the person notices the subliminal messages, they usually remember the subliminal messages, so that they will notice the subliminal messages every time they view that particular object in the future.

So can subliminal messages be used for mind control, and are they used for that purpose? There is much debate over exactly how subliminal messages affect people; however, virtually all psychologists that study subliminal perception believe that subliminal messages do indeed influence the way people think and behave, especially if people are exposed to subliminal messages to a high degree on a consistent basis. Subliminal messages of a sexual nature are believed to subconsciously trigger the pleasure centers in the limbic reward system of the brain. Subliminal messages of a demonic or satanic nature are believed to trigger parts of the brain that control fear, aggression, and rational thinking. With that being said, there is no doubt that Satan uses subliminal messages in the media and in religious literature as a very subtle form of mind control. The minds of young children are also influenced by these subliminal messages, mentally programming people from childhood onward. The whole world lies under the power of the Wicked One who deceives the whole world (1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:9). That is why all Christians must persevere in prayer, study and meditate on God's Word daily, and put on the whole armor of God in the midst of the spiritual war (Ephesians 6:10-17). A significant fraction of radical Christians go the extra step by minimizing their exposure to the media and certain types of religious literature to reduce how much they are influenced by the obvious and subliminal messages such things convey.

The following links provide examples of subliminal messages used in our modern culture:

NEW WORLD ORDER Plot Revealed on the One Dollar Bill for ALL TO SEE!!!

Energy Drinks, Mark Of The Beast

Illuminati Symbolism In Movies

Walt Disney Subliminal Messages

Visual Examples of Subliminal Messages

Watchtower Subliminal Messages



